
Photo Gallery of Ships

There's the current day waterfront of Wyandotte and then there are all the ships that have traveled by it.

Here is our Feature Photo -  An historic postcard of a Boblo Boat, the S.S. Ste. St Clair, at Bishop Park. 

Boblo Boat at Bishop Park - Copy

And following are some historic pictures of ships that traveled up and down the Detroit River.
Thank you, Ken Navarre for sharing these images with us!

Bob-Lo Boat Ste Claire
Tall Ship at Bishop Park - Copy
Alpena Freighter (2) - Copy
Arthur Anderson Freighter (2) - Copy
BBC Louise Polish Flagged Freighter (2) - Copy
Cape Dawson Tanker (2) - Copy
Chasing Freighters
Florence Spirit Freighter
James Barker 1000' Freighter - Copy
LeeTregurtha Freighter @ Bluewater Bridge - Copy (2)
The Happy River as seen from Bishop Park - Copy