
Victory Gardens

During the pandemic many of us have spent more time outside in our yards and gardens. Looking back in history, gardens have played an important role in American lives during troubled times.  They provide beauty in all different ways, positive growth, a bounty of fruit, herbs, vegetables, and flowers, and a sense of accomplishment for the gardeners. 

Here, we are happy to showcase Victory Gardens and especially images of Wyandotte's gardens from the past.

What were Victory Gardens?  The article Victory Gardens explains them and includes pictures. The article was written by one of our own historians, Wallace "Wally" Hayden in  2010. It was published in the News Herald and again in the book " Images and Ancestors". 

Victory Gardens were a big deal in Wyandotte.  In 1948 the first prize winners won a $50 war bond and the second prize winners won a $25 war bond! And there was a banquet for the Garden Contest Judges at Sibley Gardens with the Major and Wyandotte City Council and City Officials as hosts. Read more about it here.

Below is a photo from Wally Hayden of Ken Hauer and his son riding on a bike loaded with produce and equipment from working on a Victory Garden during World War II. 

KenHauerVictoryGarden1944 from Wally Hayden

Following are images of Victory Gardens from the Bacon Memorial Library and Ken Navarre's family collection.

Victory Garden Plaque in 1946 from Bacon Library 001_f4390698
Committee of Judges in prize winning garden of William F. Roeder living at 147 Davis in Wyandotte, August 1945
Ray Heins and family in the backyard of their home at 2262 18th Street in Wyandotte tending their Victory Garden in August 1945. The homes shown are on 19th Street.
Judges inspection of Ed Nellis' Victory Gardens in West Wyandotte, August 1945.
victory garden navarre0001 (2) - Copy